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Earth Day Tips


Happy Earth day!

I wish this day wasn't just once a year because I think it’s important to be aware how we are treating the earth and the area round us daily and not just once a year. BUT the awareness that Earth day brings is nothing short of amazing! 


I feel like a part of me has always been into the greener side of things, as child we would recycle, reduce our water use and it was a must to turn off lights. I do believe that some of the traits are still with me today. I still recycle, I turn off lights when no one is in the room or just have them off to let the natural light in. But recently, I have made a lot more greener choices and I think you should do the same!


Here are some tips & tricks I use in my everyday life to stay green:


Reusable Bags

Photo by Gaelle Marcel on Unsplash


Now this means a few different things because I use reusable bags at the grocery store and I use those same bags if I need to transport a lot of stuff somewhere. I also use a lunch bag, yes those are still a thing! The kid in me still likes to get fun looking ones, go and get that lunch box that reflects who you are! My little tip or any reusable bag is, to spend a little more money on them so they last longer and you aren’t going through bag after bag.


Recycling Plastic Bags

Photo by Jo Lanta on Unsplash


UGH THIS DRIVES ME NUTS! I don't like plastic bags, I wish they weren’t even a thing. They can take up to 1000 years to decompose and that scares me! So instead of throwing plastic bags in the garbage, I put all my smaller plastic bags into the big one you always get at the store and wait until it’s full. Once full, I take it to my local grocery store and put it in their plastic bag recycle bin and they do the rest. This makes me feel so much better knowing they are being recycled and not being put into the earth.


Reusable Straws

 Photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash


This is really new to me! I used to be a hardcore plastic straw user but I realized they weren't doing good, they were just doing bad. So I have recently started to use stainless steel straws and love them! They’re easy to clean and they stay clean versus other straws I have used in the past. I love that SOCIAL promotes paper straws, which are an excellent option too. Paper straws are a lot more fun that plain stainless ones.


Reusable Water Bottles 


Yes, I am that person who freaks out if they don't have their water bottle. When it comes to water bottles, I would recommend stainless steel because most of them come insulated so your water stays cold forever...yes forever! And apart from plastic, stainless steal doesn't contain harmful chemicals and it tends to be more mold resistant. Overall, it’s important to use reusable water bottle because then you aren't putting plastic into the earth, you’re saving money and saving the earth one sip at a time.



Used Clothes

 Photo by Prudence Earl on Unsplash


I love thrifting for clothes (and other things)! I love the challenge of “going on the hunt” to find just want I’m looking for. I love the money I save too, because I’m spending only a few dollars on a piece(s) rather than spending a lot more on one or two items. Yes, sometimes you walk away without finding anything but then you go another time and you hit the jackpot! I love thrifting/second hand stores because you are giving a piece of clothing another chance plus you are reducing waste and pollution. It’s important to donate your clothes once you’re done with them because then the cycle starts all over again. Meaning everyone is saving, reusing, and creating less waste on our earth.


I hope these tips & tricks are helpful! I literally could have went on and on about all the green things I do, these five are on the top of my list! I truly hope these tips and tricks help you and make you want to make a change for our earth. Regardless if you change one thing or five, every little step you take will make a positive impact to the earth.

Happy Earth Day loves!

-Kelsey Traindl 


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