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There is nothing better than a strong and empowered woman! This month, we had the opportunity to talk with personal trainer & model, Caroline Caliri! Caroline loves healthy living, fitness, and being with friends. She lives a vegan lifestyle and eats all plant-based foods! Caroline is able to manage so many different aspects of her life while remaining motivated and driven. These are some of the many reasons she makes such an amazing SOCIAL Babe!


What does a typical day in your life look like?


My day always starts with a workout! Whether it is a run outside, a bootcamp type strength workout, a swim workout in the pool, or yoga, I try to do something every day. After my workout I refuel with a big green smoothie and then go train some clients. I’m a freelance personal trainer so my schedule is always different. I’m also a model, so some days I will be at a photo shoot all day. I always finish my day with a big rainbow salad if I eat at home for dinner, or I will meet up with friends for drinks and food!


How do you maintain balance in your life?


I like to maintain a balance between fitness and fun (not that fitness isn’t fun!). I like to go out and have a good time with friends, but I always make sure I get everything done that needs to be done first. If I get my morning workout in, I’m very happy and I’m ready to let loose with friends later on.


What are some of your passions?


My biggest passion is running. I have run 3 marathons, and I’m about to begin training for my 4th in Berlin! Running is my “me time” where it’s just me with my thoughts and the road ahead. I come up with all my best ideas while running! I’m also just passionate about fitness in general. I love helping my personal training clients reach their goals and inspiring others to be their best selves. Being strong is so empowering! I also love cooking! I’m vegan, so everything I make is plant based. Other than that, I’m also an artist. My favorite medium is black and white charcoal drawings.


Who are your biggest influences?


I’m hugely influenced by strong female athletes like Shalane Flanagan, Serena Williams, Lindsey Vonn, Aly Raisman, and Missy Franklin. I love watching them compete, especially in the Olympics. I was a competitive swimmer from age 5 all the way through college, so I go crazy over the swimming during the Summer Olympics!


What are your favorite health trends at the moment?


I usually don’t follow health trends because I believe all plant based whole foods have amazing benefits, but I have gotten really into the celery juice craze lately. I decided to try it just for fun, and I found that I actually really enjoy a glass of celery juice with lime first thing in the morning. It’s so refreshing!


What is your personal motto?


I always say “do it well, or don’t do it at all.” Everything I do, I go at it with 100% or it’s not worth doing. I don’t think you have to necessarily be the best at everything (although I love winning!) but as long as I feel confident that I gave it my very best, there are no regrets!


What is your favorite Instagram account that you follow and why?


My favorite Instagram account that I follow is @plant_proof. If you haven’t heard of him, his name is Simon Hill and he is an Australian plant based influencer. He is so knowledgeable about all things vegan and is using information backed by science to prove every day that people can not only live, but thrive by eating plants. He has the best podcast where he interviews doctors, athletes, celebrities, and many others to talk about why going plant based is the best thing you can do for your health, the environment, and the animals. I have learned so much from him!


What speaks to you most about SOCIAL?


I love SOCIAL not only because it is absolutely delicious, but also because it has the best ingredients that are actually good for you! Ingredients like Ginger, Rose, Hibiscus, Elderflower, and Coconut allow me to enjoy the taste and feel confident about what I’m putting in my body. It’s not easy to find an alcoholic beverage that is 100% organic and comes with so many actual health benefits. It’s the perfect balanced indulgence that I’ve always been looking for!


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